Mission Trip #11 – November 2015

Participating Directors:

Warren Creates (President) & Aicha Kassim Youssef

Participating Donors:

Joan Duguid, Martin Low & Mark Janoska


Audit the Foundation’s ongoing projects and interview the beneficiaries.  To visit and review the current operations of the distressed Mahi Difu primary school.  To introduce donors/philanthropists to implementing partners and projects.  For Joan Duguid, Registered Nurse, to provide medical expertise and training along with much needed medical supplies to the Barbara May Maternity Hospital (Mille, Afar).


As was discovered during Mission Trip #10 (November 2014), and was updated through reporting from the Mahi Difu primary school, the operations of the school had ceased and all students had been returned to their local villages/hamlets as they chose to end their relationship with the remaining funding partners (including our Can-Go Afar Foundation).  This was investigated during the current mission trip and found to be the case.  The school facility was vacant.  The Can-Go Afar Foundation offered to work with future operators of the facility, and is currently looking for other school operations where the Foundation can continue its efforts in educating orphaned and/or vulnerable young girls and boys.


All mission trip goals outlined were accomplished.  Additionally, Joan Duguid, RN, provided extensive medical support to the Barabara May Maternity Hospital including neonatal CPR training and assisting in the operating room while Mark Janoska worked at the hospital using his engineering expertise to repair much medical equipment and electronic infrastructure.  Warren Creates and Martin Low negotiated the contract for the new water tower expansion at the hospital and proposed that the Can-Go Afar Foundation fund its construction as well as fund much needed equipment, such as a portable ultrasound device to replace the existing broken unit.  This was done and the ultrasound machine was delivered.