Mission Trip #6 – October 2011

Participating Directors:

Warren Creates (President) & Ahmed Youssouf Mohamed (VP)

Participating Donors:

Joseph Magnet


As an extension of Mission Trip #5 (July 2010), this mission trip constituted a continuation of many of the same goals, including, auditing ongoing projects and interviewing beneficiaries, continuing the exchange of ideas between the Afar Elders, Can-Go Afar Directors, and Professor Joseph Magnet, and gaining a further understanding of the specific needs of the Afar in regards to relief of poverty and minority/indigenous rights.


All goals accomplished, though of note, we are particularly proud of the achievements we have recorded through our funding to the Mahi Difu school comprised of young orphaned and/or vulnerable girls from villages and traditional communities where they would have no opportunities for literacy.  Additionally, after interviewing the University students currently being partially funded by Can-Go Afar Foundation and APDA, the trip participants proposed that Can-Go Afar take a leadership role and fund 100% of the university program for 5 students who have been selected by APDA for their aptitude and commitment.  Moreover, to enable such students to return to the Afar region after their graduation in Addis Ababa and aid APDA in their relief efforts.  This proposal would be brought before the Board for decision with a view of funding the 2013-2014 school year.