Can-Go Afar's approach to helping the Afar people
Biosand water filters
The Household Biosand Water Filter Project (phase 2) aims to build, monitor and train the beneficiaries of BioSand water filters to provide 200 households (1,500 people) in Ko’odiya Village (Afar Region, Ethiopia) with clean drinking water.
Bursary Students
Provide scholarship assistance for five Afar post-secondary students in Addis Ababa – to enable them finish their University studies. Promote and encourage these students to work and contribute to the development of the Afar Region upon graduation.Continue reading.Mahi Dafu Boarding School
Provide support to 30 orphans and vulnerable children at the Mahi Difu Boarding School, in Samarah, Afar Region.
Refugee assistance
Provides supplementary food assistance to ease the now critical problem of malnutrition in the UNHCR refugee/displaced people’s camps in Buure and Aysaita, Afar Region.