Livestock Challenge Day Three & Four: From Addis to Afar

As much as we enjoy Addis Abeba, after two days the Can-Go Afar team had collectively spent enough time in the urban jungle that is Ethiopia’s capital city. So, on Friday we packed our bags, bid farewell to Addis, and boarded an 8 a.m. flight to Semera, the capital of the Afar State.

Within an hour we had traded the cool damp weather of Addis for the dry hot climate of Afar. As we stepped of the Bombardier turbo-prop plane in Semera the contrast was striking, as we were greeted by a blast of 35 C heat; twice the temperature of Addis.

Can-Go Afar's Warren Creates and Jason Kelly
Can-Go Afar's Warren Creates and Jason Kelly

Luckily, we were also greeted by a team of local friends arranged by our local partners at the Afar Pastoralists Development Association (APDA). After being dropped off at the hotel for a quick rest, the CGA team drove to Loggia, a bustling village south of Semera that is home to APDA and its Executive Director, Valerie Browning, aka “Maleeka”.

As the Program Coordinator of APDA, the oldest and largest humanitarian non-profit organization in Afar, Valerie oversees more than 1,000 people and two dozen projects throughout the vast region.

Among those are many that are funded and supported by Can-Go Afar, which has cultivated a very positive working relationship with APDA (and Valerie) over the past decade.

Today we were here to check in on some ongoing projects and touch base on some new ones being funded by the 1 million ETB (Ethiopian bihr) raised at our 9th Annual Gala Fundraising event in Ottawa. As promised at that event, these initiatives are focused exclusively on providing drought relief, recovery, and prevention in the form of food aid, medical aid, livestock recovery, and the building of weirs (a type of dam) in the hardest hit woredas (districts).

CGA Blog CGA whiteboard

According to Valerie, weirs give an Afar community the ability to withstand and survive drought conditions by collecting up to 7,200 cubic litres of rain water over the course of a year. That translates to more than 1 million litres of water that can be used for livestock, to cultivate plants and wildlife, and of course to drink.

CGA Blog APDA whiteboard“This is a highly significant project” she says “In the short-term weirs will provide water for the Afar and their animals to thrive, and in the long-term will foster the growth of plants and trees.”

“Weirs have a tremendous roll-on effect as well. As there’ll be less need to migrate, they help keep families together, and they really bolster the Afar’s pastoralist lifestyle. In short, this project will allow them to live an easier life.”

This effort, combined with Can-Go Afar’s Livestock Challenge, will help the Afar truly get back on their feet after the devastating drought of 2015/2016 that affected more than 10 million and is considered the worst in Ethiopia in 50 years.

CGA Blog APDA Val Warren Jason Brad

Some of the worst affected were of course the Afar, who already live in the hottest (and thirstiest) inhabited place on earth, in a region that is too desolate for many NGOs or aid agencies to travel too.

With more than 200,000 Afar families currently in immediate need, The Can-Go Afar Foundation decided that we could not wait until our next gala fundraiser in 2017 to provide help. That’s why we launched The Can-Go Afar Livestock Challenge, our first ever crowdfunding campaign.

Our GoFundMe initiative aims to generate $50,000 to help restock up to 1,000 goats and sheep that perished during the drought. $50 will buy a goat (breeding-age), $100 will buy a sheep, and $500 buys enough goats for an Afar household of 12 people.

If we reach our goal, 100 of the neediest Afar households will receive a full complement of livestock and will be returned to their pre-drought conditions.

It couldn’t be simpler: Buy a goat (or a sheep), save a life.

In the four days since we launched the Livestock Challenge on CBC Radio we have generated $5,250 which is more than 10% of our goal. This is a great start, and we thank all of our supporters — but we need to keep the momentum going if we want to make a real and effective change for the better.

We encourage you to check out our project at and pledge to help the Afar — the oldest indigenous tribe on earth — get back on their feet.


If you are a previous Can-Go Afar supporter, and would prefer to donate in more traditional way please go to go to our PayPal page or fill out our Donation Form on our website.

If you have already donated, please send this link to The Can-Go Afar Livestock Challenge ( with your family and friends. And please share it on social media, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Also be sure to keep an eye on our website for tomorrow’s blog post, as we visit the remote Bidu Woreda and see a weir as its being built. You can also stay-up-to-date on our Facebook and Twitter pages, where we are posting photos daily.

Thanks, Inshalla, and Gaaxa Key from Afar!

Livestock Challenge Day One: Up in the Air

Hello from Addis Ababa!

After months of planning the team members for Can-Go Afar's Mission 12 were up at the crack of dawn this Tuesday to board an 8 a.m. flight out of Ottawa and begin their journey to Ethiopia. After one regrettable Canada Customs snafu at Pearson Airport -- and a resulting chauffeured lift to our departure gate -- the CGA team was officially ready to head to Addis Ababa, the beautiful high-altitude capital city that will play host to the first leg of Mission 12.CGA blog Pearson 2Nearly 13 hours later we landed in Addis, claimed all of our bags -- including an over-sized cheque for one-million Ethiopian bihr -- and headed to our hotel to recoup and recover. After ingesting a few machiattos (Ethiopia's signature coffee drink of choice) the team met with representatives from the Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA), our local partners in the Afar region, to discuss ongoing projects funded by CGA.

CGA blog cheque ottawaThe 1-million ETB CGA cheque represents approximately $60,000 CDN in funds raised during our annual gala in April. This is being used to build three weirs (a type of damn) in the Dupti region of Afar and to provide immediate food aid to Afar living in the remote Bidi region of north-eastern Ethiopia.

As many of you know, the Afar region of Ethiopia was severely impacted by the 2015/2016 drought which is now considered to be the worst the country has seen since the 1980s.

According to Ethiopia, by the time the rains arrived in April an estimated 10 million Ethiopians found themselves in a food-insecure situation. The indigenous nomadic Afar, who number some 1.5 million in Ethiopia, were hit hardest with nearly 2 million of their life-sustaining livestock dying as a result of the parched conditions.

Team Leader Warren Creates leads the way to our next partners meeting
Team Leader Warren Creates leads the way in Addis Ababa

With more than 200,000 Afar families currently in immediate need, The Can-Go Afar Foundation decided that we could not wait until our next gala fundraiser in 2017 to provide help. That's why we launched The Can-Go Afar Livestock Challenge, our first ever crowdfunding campaign.

The GoFundMe initiative aims to generate $50,000 to help restock up to 1,000 goats and sheep that perished during the drought. $50 will buy a goat (breeding-age), $100 will buy a sheep, and $500 buys enough goats for an Afar household of 12 people.

If we reach our goal, 100 Afar household will receive a full complement of livestock and will be returned to their pre-drought conditions.

In the two days since we launched the Livestock Challenge on CBC Radio we have generated more than $4,000, which is nearly 10% of our goal. This is a great start, and we thank all of our supporters -- but we need to keep the momentum going.

gofundme-logoAs we prepare to travel to the Afar region on Friday, we encourage you to check out our project at and pledge to help the Afar -- the oldest indigenous tribe on earth -- get back on their feet.

It couldn't be more simple: Buy a goat (or sheep), save a life.

If you are a previous Can-Go Afar supporter, and would prefer to donate in more traditional way please go to go to our PayPal page or fill out our Donation Form on our website.

If you have already donated, please send this link to The Can-Go Afar Livestock Challenge with your family and friends. And please share it on social media, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Also be sure to keep an eye on our website for daily blog posts from the field, and stay-up-to-date on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Thanks/Inshalla/Gate ge